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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


3 Cheers Bar


3 Cheers Bar

The 3 Cheers Bar is a new-age all-day dining and bar concept that unifies the global and local elements together. It caters to the needs of today's global local, those who are global in their appearances but local at heart. 3 Cheers Bar is the unification of global experiences with surprise elements of local cultures, a twisted new whole which is greater than the sum of its parts.

To enhance its offerings, the restaurant starts as a soothing space as the day begins and converts into a high-energy casual night spot by sundown that potentially binds together the concepts of an all-day dining and a casual lounge seamlessly.

The food menu at 3 Cheers Bar is an amalgamation of global cuisines with a twist of regional flavors. We have combined various ingredients and techniques to evolve different cuisines, thereby offering some of the iconic dishes in a renewed avatar!

The 3 Cheers Bar has a well-nurtured menu keeping in mind the fact that people in today's time are well traveled, have good product knowledge, great sense of taste. But they are still local by heart and enjoy the desi/local fun elements, even when it comes to drinking.

The interiors have been designed with global techniques, local materials, and humble ones that too, but now distilled to a point where their inherent beauty is undeniable.

The 3 Cheers Bar, with its unimpeachable cuisine, elaborate bar menu, well-manicured interiors and exquisite ambiance is set to provide this city with a captivating drinking and dining space that allows its guests to enjoy the virtue of being local at heart.